Canada urges all parties to work together urgently to…
MACKAY ON ESCALATING VIOLENCE GAZA STRIPThe Honourable Peter MacKay face mask, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, today made the following statement concerning escalating violence in the Gaza Strip:”Canada is greatly concerned by the deteriorating security situation and loss of life in the Gaza Strip as well as reports of violence in the West Bank. Canada urges all parties to work together urgently to end the violence and focus their efforts on delivering responsible government and services to the long suffering Palestinian population.”We call on key parties to respect international humanitarian law, to protect civilians and to avoid damaging civilian infrastructure. It is especially important that parties work together to ensure safe and unhindered access for humanitarian workers so that they can reach people in need.”I want to take this opportunity to reiterate Canada’s strong support for President Abbas’s efforts to find a peaceful solution to the current situation.”.
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