“Gordon Campbell spent more on a retractable roof for…
The Terrace Little Theatre is holding auditions for their spring show called Kiss the Moon, Kiss the Sun. Robert is 35 years old but due to a brain injury in childhood n95 face mask, has the mind of a seven or eight year old. He lives with his mother Claire who is getting on in years and not in the best of health.
doctor mask BC NDP VictoriaNew Democrat MLAs blasted the Campbell government in the legislature this week for a budget that wastes billions of tax dollars on pet projects and cost overruns while inflicting deep cuts to programs and services for rural communities.”With this week’s budget and throne speech, Gordon Campbell delivered a very clear message to people in the north and the interior that they just don’t matter,” said NDP rural critic Robin Austin. “Gordon Campbell spent more on a retractable roof for a stadium in downtown Vancouver than he did for new infrastructure projects for all of rural British Columbia.”Austin, the MLA for Skeena, also noted the budget reduces provincial transfers to communities by 24 per cent, meaning small towns will have to raise taxes or reduce services.During Thursday’s question period in the legislature, New Democrat MLAs blasted the Campbell government for deep cuts to the ministries of forestry, energy and mines, tourism and agriculture.”In this budget there a 25 per cent cut to energy and mines, a 14 per cent cut to forestry coronavirus mask doctor mask, a 20 per cent cut to agriculture, a 46 per cent cut to tourism, an 11 per cent cut to the environment,” Austin said in the legislature.”No money for mountain pine beetle. No help for laid off forest workers. doctor mask
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